Saturday, July 2, 2022

Today's Meditation

July 2 

“To the sick, while there is life there is hope.” CICERO 

Not long ago, I had a really good week, the kind that can send my hopes and spirits soaring. When I responded to the rheumatologist’s first question by saying, “Just fine,” his eyes sparkled and he cracked a rare smile. And when my brother phoned that same week, I could hear the joy in his voice after I proudly announced that I’d been feeling great. 

The next time around, when I wasn’t doing well at all, I hesitated before replying truthfully to the expectant queries of doctors, family members, and friends. I felt somehow obligated to remain “in the pink” and on the upswing. I guess I didn’t want to cause disappointment or sadness or give anyone the impression that I was perhaps failing to take proper care of myself. 

People with chronic illnesses are under tremendous pressure—from themselves as well as others—to get well quickly and return to their “normal, productive lives.” However, we can’t let these pressures build to the point where they distort reality and interfere with the acceptance of our illness. We’d rather not be sick, but we are, and we’re learning to live with it the best way we can. 

 Share the hope, but spare the pressure.

Dorian, J.S.. Above and Beyond: 365 Meditations for Transcending Chronic Pain and Illness. Central Recovery Press, LLC. Kindle Edition. 


Well, I am not doing too well right now.  The car accident gave me some more pain to deal with. This time it is in my right shoulder. I am having a hard time reaching out to pick up things.  It is getting better but it is very frustrating. Especially right now as I am trying to get ready to move household contents.  Ken has done most of the physical stuff and I can tell it is getting to him also. This whole thing is stress. It was going smoothly then all of a sudden, BOOM! Things start going wrong. It started with the accident.  I am under pressure right now as we try to sell my home. So I am having to stop and remember to pray and ask God for the knowledge and the power to carry out His will in all of this.  Thank you, God, for all that you do for me.

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