Saturday, May 28, 2022

Today's Meditation


May 28 

“Life is a pure flame, and we live by an invisible sun within us.” SIR THOMAS BROWNE 

We’ve all had the experience of doing something thoughtful, caring, and perhaps unexpected for a friend or loved one, and then being surprised with an outpouring of heartfelt and gracious appreciation. When that happens we want to be even more thoughtful, more attentive, more kindly, and considerate to that person. Isn’t that what life is like? When we are deeply thankful for each new day—when we have an attitude of gratitude for even simple pleasures—isn’t it true that we continue to receive blessings, often unexpectedly? Isn’t that also what our spiritual connection is like? When we express heartfelt thanks to God we somehow broaden the channel of good and increase our capacity to recognize and receive His gifts. We each have our own ways of expressing gratitude to God. We kneel and pray; we turn inward and simply say, “Thank you”; we speak through our actions by giving freely of ourselves to others. Today and each day we give thanks to God for His presence in our lives. We are grateful for His love and guidance not only during times of great challenge but also in times of joy and tranquility. 


Am I open to goodness, to God’s gifts, to daily blessings?

Dorian, J.S.. Above and Beyond: 365 Meditations for Transcending Chronic Pain and Illness. Central Recovery Press, LLC. Kindle Edition. 


Mind your thoughts. It is so easy for me to get into the negative of things. It often leads me into self-pity and depression. I start beating myself up. I have to take action on being grateful for the things that I do have. Just finding one thing a day, leads me into finding more things that are really good for me. At any point in my day when I am feeling lowly about myself - I can look for the things that are good for that I am grateful for.  For one thing - Nicotine Anonymous Meeting is probably one of the best ones that I can use to find gratitude.

1 comment:

Lori m said...

Beautiful share and painting, hugs, Lori m